Call it what you will, but when we mention North Korea everybody gets a thrill - some of us , a chill. For many, North Korea is synonymous with a hereditary dictatorship surrounded by a cult like following around the "Great Leader" Kim Il-Sung and the "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-Il, the man at the helm today.
Something very interesting caught my eyes today though. I have never seen anything like this before, and trust me I have seen and done a lot in my time. What I saw really opened my eyes to North Koreans as a people and the history of Korea as a whole. I am left with more questions than answers however and my interest in discovering more is peaked.
The Arirang Festival it has to be said is one of the most amazing work of art conceivable through human cooperation. Despite the many negative views on the exceptional feats, I want to look at the artistry itself not only because I am an avid art appreciator , but the effect that this synchronicity has produced.
The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK), commonly called North Korea which sits on the northern part of the Korean peninsula in East Asia is considered a Pariah state by many. However the name designation itself gives the opposing view of the North Korean authorities. For them the DPRK is a legitimate democratic state which is self reliant and committed to the unification with their southern neighbors. Its capital Pyonyang - located on the Taedong river, is the largest city with over Three (3) Million people.
Following the death of the founder kim Il-Sung in 1994, he was designated "eternal president" as his son and heir Kim Jong-Il took over the leadership. Although Kim Il-Sung ceremonially hold the office of president posthumously, the de facto head of state is Kim jong-Il, who also hold the title of chairman of the National Defense Commission of North Korea and General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea.
According to a statement on the Official Website (Reunification) Since the end of the Korean War in 1953 the Great Leader Kim Il-Sung and the so called "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-Il have, and always will be concerned about the unification of Korean families. Kim Il-Sung himself is quoted as saying: “At this important time, the unification of the divided nation should be seen as the supreme national task of the entire Korean people, and we cannot wait even another moment to achieve it!”
Without going too much into the political stalemate, let us show you the spectacle as captured by the German photographer Werner Kranwetvogel*: Source (Werner Kranwetvogel · Massgames Pictures)
*You can check out the work of Werner Kranwetvogel at: A Night in Pyongyang
The Arirang Festival in Video
Part 1/2
Part 2/2
OJB Solutions and Discovery Panel is not responsible for any comments posted on this blog and we absolve any responsibility or claim of propagation of propaganda. We are aware of the sensitivity surrounding the DPRK and in no way take a judgmental position on either sides.
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