For most people in the Caribbean Christmas has always been synonymous with festivities. Much the same for many other parts of the world including the Americas, Europe, Africa and some parts of Asia. Christmas of course is symbolic to the christian religion from which it derives its name and of such it is a time for Christians to celebrate the birth of Christ. Without going into the history and philosophy of the concept we can safely say it is one of the most active seasons of the year globally. International trade, travel and exchange peak around Christmas time. So much so that in many regions it is commonly called the holiday season or the festive season.
The strategic placement near the end of the year might have had a great deal to do with this as the New Year celebrations tie right into the mix. Therefore it is a cascading experience which begins towards the end of November maybe around the time that Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States.
For most Americans it is a great time to shop, enjoy good food and socialize with family. Of course it encompass the winter months which makes the whole experience characterized by a cold weather on the outside which require inside heating by the fireplace or electrical for most modern homes. This is exactly the case in Canada and most Northern European Cities.
In the Caribbean where the sunshine and warm weather is in abundance it gets a fraction cooler but not to a significant level to call for house heating. Instead the vibes and warmth of the people and the buzz in the streets, shopping malls, markets are big indicators that something special is happening. Even in tough economic times we almost always recognize the rise in excitement and activities.
Christmas mean different things to different people but for me Christmas is a time to reflect on the year that is coming to an end. What have I done throughout the year to make a difference in the world around me and the lives of the people I encounter? Christmas for me is a time for giving and sharing with family, friends and loved ones. It is an opportunity to put a smile on the faces of disadvantaged people and to give some time to a worthwhile causes.
Many people are suffering from hopelessness and lack of opportunities. If you have the ability to help someone to find hope do not hesitate. Giving is not just about material things or money. Your time is the most valuable resource and if you don't have much to give you can give your time. Share your skills, share your story, bless the heart of a stranger with your wisdom. There is enough in the world for everyone to live in love and peace and if you can help one or two people to pick themselves up you will be very proud.
The reason why people are so mean and selfish today is that we do not know what we have, so we do not know what to give or how to give. Even the beggar in the streets have something to give. If you do not believe me try and do what he does for a day. The point is their is value in everything good and bad you just have to know how and where to find the value. If I begin to list what I can do I have over a hundred skills, and If I can teach my brother one new skill that could change his life forever that would be the best gift I could ever give, better than a new toy.

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